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In the forest

Candidate Development Groups

We welcome candidates registering at about the same time or wanting to reconnect with their certification journey. Our intention is to support candidates in community building and receiving ongoing feedback on their certification path.  We see it as a way to ensure ESEAT candidates are covering all intended in the certification process and to ensure integrity of Nonviolent Communication towards assessment.

Shona, Ania, Dionne and Ian

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A group of candidates to meet regularly for Mentoring/ Coaching and Peer Support.



For candidates registering at about the same time or wanting to (re)connect with their certification journey.



A way for candidates to build international community within which they can receive ongoing feedback.

For learning, companionship, building skills- both in the meetings and as you work together to make decisions.


Each CDG  will work with between 6-10 candidates (if more want to join we will open another group)


We ask for commitment for one year - at the moment groups run from Jan- Dec with possibilty to start a new group to run Sept to July.


Meeting twice a month. Every other meeting with an assessor.


We suggest each CDG  alternates between meeting as a peer group and having one of us assessors present. We will rotate as assessors for a variety of input for you.

The pool of assessors is: Shona, Ania, Ian and Dionne (Ola also available)

Assessors respond to requests, offer exercises and feedback. There will not be a set curriculum.  Requests  can be for what topics/ themes areas to explore or Q and A about assessment. Bring requests you have and practise asking for what you want.

Every other meeting is a peer group. In  those we suggest  empathy exchange or sharing an exercise. Each meeting is an opportunity to practise facilitation. 

We suggest feedback is built into each session.

Each session is 90 minutes, suggestion is no recordings to keep presence.

Dining Pod
Image by Wynand Uys

Request is for a set amount to be paid.

11 sessions £3300  3 payments of £1100

How much each person pays can vary or be shared equally: for you as candidates to work on. 

3 equal payments through the year could spread the cost without increasing admin costs too much.
We can supply 3 invoices/receipts.

Choices for the group:


Who pays how much? Does not have to be equally shared.

1. Who will do the admin? Money?
2. Liaison person to assessors includes keeping list of requests and sending invites.
Whose zoom room?


We have some suggestions about a coordinator too.

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Speak to your assessor about joining. 

2024 Copyright Stichting Nonviolent Communication Journey



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