Please see the Overview of Registration with an Assessor from the CPP.
Whether or not you decide to pursue CNVC certification, we hope that your enthusiasm for spreading and sharing NVC will continue. The “Guidelines for Sharing NVC for Individuals Who Are Not CNVC Certified Trainers" is offered for your information. We request that you follow these guidelines, or contact the Certification Program Support representative in the office at certification@cnvc.org for further discussion.
To create a lasting and effective CNVC community, we are searching for people who have:
A strong grounding in NVC consciousness, which guides your everyday life
A deep understanding of the NVC process
Proficient teaching skills, as well as a willingness to continue your personal growth in all these areas
A willingness to explore your personal relationship to the following (as referenced in the CNVC Certified Trainer Agreement):
-- The spiritual nature of NVC
-- A specific vision of social change
-- Membership in an NVC community
To that end, we request of candidates at least one year of teaching NVC as a non-certified trainer, leading practice groups, working with at least three different CNVC Certified Trainers for guidance over the course of your training, along with training logs and personal journals to chart progress and learnings. This will demonstrate your deepening in all three areas over a period of time- usually three to five years. (Please refer to the Certification Preparation Packet on the website for detailed information.)
The path to CNVC certification has three phases:
Anyone wishing to pursue the path to certification is requested to start with registration and complete each of the three phases, in sequence.
Application to Register as a CNVC Certification Candidate
We would like interested individuals to be clear about their purpose before embarking on this journey towards certification. To that end, please download and read the Certification Preparation Packet as your first step. Then you can contact an assessor of your choosing to explore a mutual agreement to work together, before sending in the following five items to the assessor (or in French-speaking regions, the registration coordinator) in order to apply for registration as a candidate.
Please include the following information as a heading on the first page:
Your name
Mailing address
Phone number(s)
Email address(es)
Other contact information
Place of birth
Do you identify yourself as male or female?
Primary language and other languages spoken
Current date
1. A list of NVC trainings you have attended including dates, locations, titles of trainings, number of days (6-8 hours = one day) and names of the CNVC Certified Trainers who taught the courses. Please document a minimum of 20 days of NVC training with CNVC Certified Trainers before requesting to be registered as a trainer candidate.
2. A statement of intent (approximately one to two pages) explaining why you wish to become a CNVC Certified Trainer including the following four points:
Your beginning thoughts about a social change focus;
Spirituality as it applies to NVC;
The NVC community to which you belong or are planning to create.
In addition, please include a response to the following question:
What is the difference for you between teaching NVC as a certified trainer, and teaching it as a non-certified trainer?
3. A recommendation with specific observations (in written form or by telephone call to the assessor), from at least one CNVC Certified Trainer who is familiar with your NVC participation. This might include examples of your willingness and ability to:
be open to exploring new ideas and concepts
be involved and active in discussions and exercises
demonstrate an ability to receive empathy
demonstrate a beginning ability to offer empathy
be able to stay in the present moment
celebrate new awarenesses and learning new skills
4. A statement that you have:
Read and agree to follow the Guidelines for Non-certified Trainers.
Downloaded, printed out, and read carefully the entire Certification Preparation Packet, to guide you in your efforts toward certification. Make a list of questions to discuss with your assessor.
Read the Certified Trainers Agreement, and understand you will be asked to agree to its current version at the time of your pre-assessment. If you have any questions, now is the time to discuss them.
5. Please send the non-refundable application fee (see suggested range of fees) payable to the assessor of your choice (or to the registration coordinator for French-speaking areas) and not to CNVC.
-- A range of 100-250 Euros (or beyond this range, if willingly offered and received, in consideration of the assessor's time and support.)
Registration Completed
After receiving all five items, the assessor (or registration coordinator in French-speaking areas) will read through them and see if your stated intent seems to be in alignment with CNVC's vision and goals, and see that all your information is complete.
If all items are not complete, or if there are any questions about your application, the assessor or registration coordinator will contact you for further discussion before proceeding further. When mutual agreement is reached for you to be registered as a certification candidate, the assessor will notify the CNVC office to send you the final procedures for your registration, and to welcome you into the CNVC community of certification candidates.
If for any reason mutual agreement is not reached regarding your registration as a candidate, you may initiate the appeals process (as described in the Certification Preparation Packet) or re-apply in six months with no additional fee.
See a current list of Assessors, application, and updates on this page at the Center for Nonviolent Communication. Please first login or register with our website. Once you are logged in, a new left hand navigation menu will appear. Click on “CNVC Certification Registration Info” to access assessor information.