Always check with your assessor to confirm the current process.
As of Summer 2022, we follow the process outlined below.
How to Begin Certification
Our ambition is to stay as close to and as true to Marshall Rosenberg’s original teachings as possible.
We ask you to begin by reading the Certification Preparation Packet (CPP).
​If, after reading it, you find more excitement about moving ahead and you have 20 days training with a Certified Trainer (CT), go to our assessor team information and contact the assessor of your choice. Upon reaching a mutual agreement to work together, we will explore the first steps to register as a candidate.
If you would like to measure your development of NVC skills, we have created a quick check in, you can download it here.
Meeting and working with us along your journey is crucial before assessment.
This request is motivated by our experience that as more and more CT’s are offering trainings and the network is growing we want reassurance that candidates that come to our Final Assessment have the skills and awareness required in the CPP.
​As the CPP describes, you need at least 50 days of training with a CT to come to a Final Assessment. Please be aware that many candidates have up to 100 days.
If you register with our team from January 2022 we strongly request that 9 of those days will be at our ESEAT events sometime during your process.
We offer the following three events for you to come and work with us and you can combine these to your own liking.
Final Assessment (as a Community Member)
face to face Stepping Stone
and a Virtual Step

A Virtual Step is an online training. It will take place over 3 afternoons in a row. This event focuses on skill building, contributing 1 day to your total with us.
While participating in a face to face Stepping Stone, we expect you to be actively involved in learning and sharing NVC. This could include practicing various areas described in the CPP.
At both events, at least 2 assessors are present. The focus will be on you and your process to become the best NVC trainer you can be. We also want to contribute to a culture of feedback within the communities to see the community as a full resource.

Financial Planning for Candidates
Following the Certification path is a big commitment in time, energy and money. Before starting it is important to have a clear idea about the investment needed in both the training you will need and the costs of the certification process.
When creating a budget and making your overall plan, make sure you include the following:
Payments to Assessor, CNVC and Assessment Events - see webpage
Tuition fees for training and attending ESEAT events
Travel costs - especially for international travel
Accommodation costs - where not included in training price
Books and other materials you might want to purchase
Additional costs of being away from home such as child and pet care
Here are some ideas about how to reduce costs of the path:
Hosting NVC events in your home - organised by others
Inviting trainers to your town/city and organise their workshops - a great way to get ‘free’ training
Offering translation or other support activities as a way to attend training for free
Ask for support such as shared accommodation or shared travel
Consider reaching out to local NVC people to stay with them
Request discounted fees from the trainers - many trainers are willing to discuss the price of their training to support those on lower incomes.
And some ideas about how to raise money to support your costs:
Access funding (eg Erasmus+) especially for foreign training and events
Explore Gofundme and alternatives
Ask your employer to pay for training and events
Run your own workshops and ask for money - maybe make it clear that this goes towards funding your certification journey.
More on the Certification Process
CNVC is committed to the vision of a critical mass of the world's population using Nonviolent Communication (NVC) to resolve differences peacefully. A strong community of qualified trainers will play an important role in the realization of this goal. CNVC has two long-term goals for the certification process:
Create a community of trainers who want to work with CNVC to fulfill our vision.
Ensure that the next generation and succeeding generations are taught NVC in a way that preserves and protects the integrity of the NVC process.
The certification process can support trainer candidates to reach the following goals: connection to CNVC, contribution to our vision, credibility, mutual support, and personal growth.
We want to emphasize that the Center has a unique perspective in offering certification, and that may be different from the assumptions some candidates start with. For CNVC, certification is a validation and celebration of a new colleague joining our community. It is not a permanent credential like a diploma, but needs be renewed each year to stay in effect. In essence, it is an annual renewal of your commitment to the organization.
Certification Philosophy -- “Power With” not “Power Over”
CNVC brings a unique perspective to trainers who want to become CNVC Certified Trainers. You will find this process quite different from most traditional training programmes. The Certification Team members who support trainer candidates on their journey toward certification are called "assessors." They create a partnership with a candidate -- what we call a “power with” process, rather than domination or “power over.” This paradigm shift allows assessors to carry out their roles in a spirit of shared respect and shared power. When you enter the certification process, we invite you to the challenge of experiencing this shift. More here.
Your Commitment
By the time you become a CNVC Certified Trainer, you will have acquired:
A strong grounding in NVC consciousness, demonstrated by your views of social change and NVC spirituality, and by participating in an NVC community.
A deep understanding of the NVC process, and proficient teaching skills, as well as a willingness to continue to grow in all these areas.
At least one year of teaching NVC as a non-certified trainer, including leading workshops and practice groups; significant training experiences with at least three different CNVC Certified Trainers for guidance; at least 50 days of NVC training over the course of three to five years; along with training logs and personal NVC journals to help you chart your own progress and learning.
In addition you are asked to agree to the Trainer's Agreement and 'Sex and Intimacy in NVC Training'.
What's Next? The path to CNVC certification is comprised of six steps: pre-registration, registration, preparation for assessment (3-5 years), pre-assessment, assessment, certification, in sequence. The Certification Preparation Packet of materials is designed to support candidates in deepening their NVC consciousness, teaching skills, and understanding of NVC concepts. These materials are also designed to help candidates determine their own readiness for completing each phase.
Whether or not you decide to pursue CNVC certification, we hope that your enthusiasm for spreading and sharing NVC will continue. The “Guidelines for Sharing NVC for Individuals Who Are Not CNVC-Certified Trainers” is offered for your information. We request that you follow these guidelines, or contact Certification for further discussion.

The Certification Process is always subject to change. It is an ever evolving process which relies on feedback, and all involved want to ensure the system remains relevant and fit for purpose.